Monday, March 9, 2009

Sickies in the house

I haven't been able to blog much this week for two reasons.

First, the boys are sick, sick, sick....again!Those poor little boys. Tristan is a cold magnet. He manages to catch everyone's cold from home & school. Aargh. I've been pretty lucky as I've managed to resist most of their cold/flu attacks. Only once so far I was taken down!

Second, my computer went haywire on me. My husband finally cleaned it up losing all my favorite bookmarks! I was devastated. But it's working now, so I'll try not to complain too much.

When I get a chance this week, I'll post my De Anza Flea Market & Thrift store finds. I'm near painting completion of my trumeau mirror (my attempt to make one) & wall pocket, and I can't wait to show you the before and after photos.

I've also completed a lampshade for my foyer lamp. My mom is in love with it! Maybe I should open my own little etsy... that sounds more like it! The lampshade was a lot of work; but it was all worth it. In addition to my lampshade, my mom fell in love with an apron I ordered. Well guess what? She's planning on making herself one in the most shabbiest design. We drew our design out & can't wait to get all the fabrics ordered & put together. I can't wait to model it as well as the one I ordered.

Well, until then.



  1. Hi Lisa, hope your boys are feeling better. My son had the cold an ear infection this week not nice at all. Looking forward to seeing your pictures of this lamp shade - you have been busy my girl. Sandy xo

  2. ... a lovely blog you have!

    I'm sorry you have sickies :(

    Just stopping by to say "hello"!

