Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sneak Peak Project #1

I know I've been MIA for a month, but I've been living with my parents during that time. My husby went away for a month (during the weekdays only) for business . And while he was gone, my mother was adamant that I and my boys stay with her. I only live minutes away from her, but like a protective mother, I was forced to stay with her or feel her wrath. During my stay with my parents, I would come home for just an hour or two a day to prep for the next day. That's not enough time to do much; however, I must say I did enjoy staying with them so I won't complain too much.

Anyhoo, I wanted to share a small sneak peak project with you. I think I'm going to have a sneak peak category. But one little hitch, I won't tell you what I'm going to do with it until I'm done. So, I'm gonna start with this project. Hmm, maybe I should redo my categories. Oh boy, another project!

I bought these plastic wall decor about a year ago. I had them stashed away with my other collected goodies. I almost forgot about them until I had a creative vision. As you can see the paint is peeling off. A little primer and paint will remedy that, but what am I gonna use it for? Well, give me a week, but I wanted to give you a sneak peak. Here they are:

Until then,



  1. I can't wait to see what you create! Glad that you are back.
    Lee Laurie

  2. Wow, those are so pretty!! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

    I think my little lantern did come in different colors but that was the only one left at the Marshalls in Milpitas. You might try the Pruneyard Marshalls or the one on Stevens Creek. I think someone left a comment that they saw it at Ross too.

  3. Oh wow! Those are going to be fun! Be sure to post the finished results! Can't wait to see what your creative side wants to do with them!

  4. HI
    I was blog hopping and came across your blog and thought Id say HI :)


  5. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with these pieces. They look like wood pretty! I love your aqua & white background & love your blog!

  6. Your pics are gorgeous even without your finished project! Pink and French are great elements. Can't wait to see what you create! Thanks for stopping by to see my Shabby/French post!
