Monday, February 21, 2011

MIA, Completed Sneak Peek Project #6, and Sneak Peek Project #10

Sadly, I have been MIA. I have been feeling a bit guilty, but I have had SO many things to do with so little time. I promise I will be better. I have completed a handful of projects in the past couple of weeks too, and I am anxious to show and tell.

Remember Sneak Peek Project #6?

Well, it is finally done. Can you believe it took me this long to get it done? I must say it looks fab...just fab. I think my mom has her eye on it. I might just give it to her to make room for a tea cart I have in storage. I thought about giving the tea cart a mosaic touch too, but I am unsure right now. Appliques, decals, mosaics... decisions, decisions. The tea cart is actually low on my list, so it will be awhile before I get to it. Well, here it two tiered, mosaic table (aka Sneak Peek Project #6).

Now, here's a sneak peek into Sneak Peek Project #10.

It's actually the lampshade to the left. The lampshade to the right should be considered Sneak Peek Project #11. I'll get to that post once I am done with SPP #10.

I think I will post the results of SPP #10 on Cindy's Romantic Home Show & Tell Friday and The Shabby Chic Cottage"s Transformation Thursday.

Until then,



  1. OH MY GOODNESS .... DID YOU DO THAT MOSAIC????? That tiered table is STUNNING! However did you learn to do this????? It's BEAUTIFUL! I am thoroughly impressed!


  3. That is absolutely gorgeous. You are so very talented and patient!!! ~~Sherry~~

  4. You've got an eye for mosaic tile...nice talent! It's stunning!
    I'm impressed too!
    Mel's Cabin

  5. Love the table!! I'm sure you spent hours on looks great!

  6. You did a great job with that mosaic.. I tried it once and it did not turn out at all.. it is amazing..such a romantic look. I am a new follower (:

  7. What a lovely table! Have you known how to mosaic for very long? Well, it's just gorgeous!
