I haven't gone to an Estate sale for about 3-4+ years. When my eldest son started walking, I took a break from Estate sales. When I thought I could get back into it, I had my second child. I missed it. But with two young, hyperactive boys, there is no way I will take them with me. I mean flea markets, garage sales, and thrift stores are ok, but not Estate sales. Estate sales + 2 boys = disaster. Not that I had any, but I know my boys enough to not take them.
Anyhoo, while browsing through Craigslist for a curio Thursday night, I saw an ad for an Estate sale on Friday, 4/3. I knew at that point I had to go. I'll just drop my eldest at school, dump my youngest with his favorite Grandpa, plunk my mom in the car with me and zoom to the Estate sale. For starters, you had to sign up and be on a list. The sign up list would start Thursday night. My mom and I decided to take a quick drive over and sign up. The ad gave a street name, but no house #. I figured that they would have a sign that would say "ESTATE SALE" plastered all over the street or house. NOpe. I drove up and down the street looking for this house. I gave up and went home. The next day, we went back to the street expecting that the estate sale sign would definitely be up. NOpe. I had to find the house with the most cars parked in front of it. I get there and signed up. My mom and I were #30 and #31.
When they finally opened at 9 am, they only let the first 11 people in. These eleven people had the house to themselves for about 45 minutes before they allowed the next 11 people in. And while I was waiting, everything I saw in the ad that I wanted was being purchased...cast iron & wrought iron patio furniture, jewelry, china, planters, paintings, etc. I was slightly crushed. After a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes of waiting, they got to #24 when they decided it was a free for all. Well that didn't go well for the rest of us who signed up. We made such a stink that they followed through on the list.
When I got in, my mom and I were slightly dismayed (practically everything in the house was SOLD); however, we did walk out with some goodies. Some of my favorites are the chandelier frame ($3), the electric scissors (.50c), and the figurine lamp . I like all my other goodies too so I won't complain too much!
Here are my lucky finds:
This is what I'm missing at Estate sales. There were a lot of resellers there too, but they cleaned the place before I got in. I know, I saw some of the sellers at the Deanza Flea.
Now what do you think I did the next day?
I shopped at the Deanza Flea Market
Maybe I'll save that for tomorrow's blog.