Friday, February 25, 2011

Mini Project #11

It's super cold outside! Today you can call me Two-ply. I'm wearing two of everything. Two socks, two pants (thermals and jeans), and two shirts. I think I can go for a third ply if it gets any

Well, despite the cold weather, I've managed to complete a mini project. This little project took roughly an hour to do, well, maybe even less than that, but I think it came out adorable. I turned a plain mini lampshade to a stylish one.

I ripped off the original fabric lampshade cover. I also had to use it as a template for the newer one which as you can see I used a damask fabric. I thought I was going to sew on the damask lampshade on, but found out that my handy glue gun was better. Last, I glued on the main ribbon, the lining ribbon as well as the ruffled trim. However, I had to dye the ruffled trim from white to cocoa brown before gluing it on. Although it's not fancy shmancy, I think it goes well with my bedroom decor.

I've got two more mini lampshades to work on...those will be a bit frillier, froufier, and, of course, pink!

Oh, in the next couple of days, I will be posting the completed Sneak Peek Project #10.

Until then, more projects to work on.


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