Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sneak Peak Project #9 Completed

Well, I've managed to sneak some time in to get my projects done.

This one project was fairly simple. Prime, paint, varnish and voila!

From this:

To this:

I hope you can see the colors. I painted the petals Ballet Slipper Pink and Celery Green. I kept the leaves the original color. I love the softer colors. Now, Buttercup can eat in style.

As for SPP#8, I'm done and it looks fab. I just haven't been able to get a photo of it yet. It's so, so nice. Maybe this weekend with my three days off! Yeah!

The patio/sunroom's exterior is done except for the trim and painting. Another project for this weekend. Ovey, but it's got to be done before I start on another project and before it starts to rain.

Until then, on with my next blog.


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